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Green Steamboat
Reasons to Believe: Science for God
"Faith is not a single moment of final decision: it is a permanent indefinitely repeated act." -- J. R. R. Tolkien

Verse of the Day

{Tuesday, May 10, 2005}

Okay I admit, this is pretty sad that I'm posting after such a long time to do something random...but I like doing random things.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the sentence in your weblog along with these instructions.
5. Don't search for the coolest book; only the one closest to you.

*NOTE: Unfortunately, on page 123 of the book I chose is this big diagram but I will post the caption*

Figure 5.9. Details of floor construction for a Japanese house. Note the traditional stone-supported posts of the raised floor. Shown are joists, braces, foundation stones, columns, and an exploded view and plan of a floor-beam joint. (See front cover.) --Traditions in Architecture: Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania by Dora P. Crouch & June G. Johnson

Okay, in other news really quick:
1. I'm going to be STC Treasurer next year.
2. Bricolage's 22nd edition is coming out soon $5 each.
3. I just finished attending the STC Conference, it was cool, they gave us a shoulder bag, umbrella, and leather note taking thing. I also got a free t-shirt from one of the booths and a yo-yo that lights up from the Microsoft booth.
4. I have a little over 400k in meat in KOL :D

Unknown @ 6:54:00 PM

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